
Saturday, 5 April 2014

Review: Topshop Lip Crayon "wave goodbye"

Hey Guys!

So as promised I am here with a review for you guys! I purchased this lip crayon as kind of a spur of the moment 'let me buy a lipstick' type of thing, and i'm still deciding whether this was wise or not because it's quite hard to get the colour to look right on me...

The packaging of the product is so pretty (as is every other topshop makeup), you'll be happy to know that the lip crayon CAN be sharpened so you won't be paying £7 for the small bit you see exposed. 

Don't let the end colour fool you however, the actual lipstick pay off is much more light on the lips than it is on the packaging, so if you can I definitely recommend swatching this in store and not going about it the 'aida' way and only swatching a little bit without actually considering if I would want this shade.
It's also more on the barbie pink side of the spectrum, almost like a light barbie pink, which is something I don't normally buy in terms of lipstick but come Summer and during this season I shall be venturing more into the shades outside my comfort zone - I lead an exciting life can't you tell? 

The consistency is a mixture of lipstick, pencil and gloss which is why I personally think it makes this product unique and well worth trying out, as they do have many more shades!

Let me know if you have the topshop lip crayons? What shades will you be braving this Spring/Summer? Comment bellow! 

Till' next time,

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