
Saturday, 31 August 2013

DIY: Honey Hair lightener (mask) - Step by step & personal experience

Hello! I feel like its been such a long time since I've done a DIY and this has been on my 'Blog ideas' notes for a while now so I thought I should just do it!

To begin with My personal experience : 

I originally found this idea from a video of 'Andreas choice' on YouTube, she suggested that you do this 5 times (spread over a few weeks) before you start seeing any results however given how dark my hair was and still is it took me over 9 times to finally see results, so yes this is definitely something that needs patience, especially if your hair is as dark as mine. I think results will be seen on lighter hair much earlier. Even now that I notice slight changes its not as though my entire head of hair has magically changed 3 shades lighter but I feel as though its brought out the natural highlights that could previously only be seen when I was in direct sunlight (sunlight is known to lighten your hair!) however now those natural highlights can be seen. (they're still incredibly subtle and need certain lighting) I'm going to continue using this method to get my hair to a stage where I'm happy with it.

This mask doesn't damage your hair, it uses natural ingredients (conditioner can be swapped out for olive oil/coconut oil  to make the product 100% natural)

The recommended time to leave this mask on (with a shower cap over or a plastic bag) is 30 minutes - 2 hours .
Also how much product you make depends on how much hair you have and how long it is, i have thick hair (as in a lot of it) and its long, my dark hair also means i use slightly more honey than suggested. 

You're looking to use 1 part honey to 2 parts conditioner but it's a recipe I have adjusted to meet my own needs. 


  • Honey - any type will do, I'm using this large one for Holland & Barrett as its £4.99 which is amazing value in my opinion. 
  • Conditioner - again any type will do but I prefer to use a moisturising one as when i use this mask its to treat my hair. 


  • Spoon - any 
  • Container (old hair mask ones work great)
Remembering the Honey : Conditioner ratio of 1 : 2 eyeball as you pour the two ingredients in, if you want a more lightening effect add lemon juice or more honey! For a deeper treatment use olive oil, coconut oil or conditioner!

Leave the mask in the container with the lid sealed tight for around 30 minutes then apply all over your hair and leave on for 30 minutes to 2 hours. After rinse and wash using a deep cleansing shampoo (any shampoo will do really) to ensure all residue has been removed. 

I hope you liked this short DIY let me know if it works for you and if you do try it! 

Till' next time butterflies, 

- A


Friday, 30 August 2013

Review: LOreal Skin Perfection - 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution

Hello my little daisies how are you all doing? Summer is coming to an end fast did it go?!
Anyway I hope you've all seen my new Back to School video if not click here 

So i'm here with a review on a new product guys which is the Loreal Skin perfection 3 in 1 purifying micellar solution...phew... what is it with brands using ridiculously long names?

On with the review: 

To begin with the packaging of this product is wonderfully classy...for a makeup remover anyway. However I think the fact that it's rather long fools your brain into thinking that you have purchased more product than you actually have which could be a marketing scheme (a clever one at that) but with the money you pay 200ml is a pretty fair amount to receive. 

I find that the nozzle is slightly inconvenient when you want to pour the product onto a cotton pad but its not exactly something too off putting and with the shape of the bottle it would be hard to have a convenient nozzle while still maintaining it's looks. 

Having this product and the fact that its also a toner saves a lot of time and makes it cheaper because you don't have to go and purchase another toner too however I find with my routine I would have to because after removing the makeup I then wash my face and would tone after all this. 

The solution may be slightly TOO gentle for removing waterproof makeup however it could be because I had high expectations and didn't apply too much pressure or rub much at all, but it does actually work beautifully and has no scent what so ever so its perfect for those who's skin gets irritated by fragrance. 

Overall I think is an amazing all around product and I will definitely be stocking up soon as there is currently an offer going on boots! Its on for around £3!

Till' next time daisies,

- A

Monday, 26 August 2013

Back To School: Supplies haul

Hello I have new video up and i just wanted to say that i realise the lighting isn't great and the music may annoy some of you but it was the only time i could film and considering how long it took to film i couldn't restart it. 

But i hope you enjoy finding out about my purchases don't forget to give it thumbs up for more (and hopefully better) videos! 
I am still trying to find a place in my room where the lighting is good so please bare with me. 


Saturday, 24 August 2013

Back To School: Simple, Fresh Faced Makeup

It's official my back to school series (which will continue on my You~Tube) is kick starting today and I know that it's incredibly late but I do plan on doing some during the school year which will hopefully help/inspire you, or just give you a little something to read/watch when you're bored.

I absolutely love this look because its so neutral and although you are wearing makeup it's still a natural look and completely adaptable to meet your skin needs.

Let me know if you'd like to see a photo of the finished result for future posts!

A rather dark photo today, sorry!
 Starting with a clean face I recommend using Garnier Moisture Match - Illuminating light lotion for normal skin, this product is super light and feels amazing on the skin as well as creating the perfect base for BB creams/Foundation (optional) , the fact that this has SPF 20 means you're protected from the suns harmful rays without having to take an extra step and applying sun cream which more often than not is white based and leaves you looking washed out as well as sticky also this product does actually make your face glow (in a good way) which is amazing for looking wide awake in the morning!

The BB cream/Foundation step is completely optional (as is this entire look!) however for the purpose of this post i included it, I love this BB cream and prefer it over the 8 in one BB cream simply because my skin looks better with this but if you have oily skin the other would be perfect (click here for review)

The concealer I've included is one I'm sure you're all familiar with, the Collection Lasting perfecting Concealer which i think is perfect for covering those under eye circles!
I've not included a powder as i have yet to find one that i'm in love with.

The Revlon photo ready blush is perfect for school as its subtle and goes onto the skin beautifully (can be applied with stippling brush or fingers)

As for lips this is a product that i have recently purchased (along with another shade) that I'm head over heels in love with, its in the colour 001 Pink Truffle and its just like my lip colour but better! So in a way this is my way of wearing the 'nude lip' as i find beige colours don't suit me and of course the Revlon lip butters are amazing (currently on for 2 for £10 in boots)

For the eyes i wanted to keep it simple with just a mascara and eyeliner, I like to apply the eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible and make it slightly thicker towards the end, not winging it out as I find this makes my lashes look thicker without being too dramatic for school. The eyeliner is the collection extreme felt tip liner in black and the mascara is the Maybelline Mega Plush mascara (perfect natural yet long lashes)

Till' next time beauties, 

- A

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Product Obsession! - Garnier Simply Essentials Eye Make-Up Remover (Review)

Hi my little butterflies (slightly cheesy but lets go with it) how are you all? 
I'm here to announce to the internet my obsession with a certain product...I have repurchased this more times than I can count but it was only a few months ago when i thought to start collecting the empty bottles in case i ever made a post..and here i am making that very thing....

3 on the left are the empties. 

The reasonable price of around £2.99 and the fact that its advertised for sensitive eyes (can also be used by contact lens wearers like my self) meant that when I first saw this product months and months ago I simply had to have it, and to this day I'm still using and loving it. 

Unlike some thick and gloopy eye makeup removers that I've used in the past this one has a thin watery texture meaning your lashes won't clump together (i speak from experience of previous products). I personally prefer the watery like consistency of this much better.

Although it is for sensitive eyes be careful when using this (soaking a cotton pad, placing on eyes for a few seconds and then sweeping off) because when the product mixes in with eye makeup it can cause your eyes to become slightly irritated but then again I guess you can never find a product that's completely soothing on the eyes AND removes tough makeup.

If used correctly i think the product does deliver amazing results day after day and I can honestly say i have no idea how those who use wipes (ew - separate post on why you shouldn't use wipes may be coming up) and those who use nothing and just wash their face can cope when there are things like this out there that make the job so much cleaner and easier to do. 

The nozzle/opening where the product comes out of is very typical Garnier as this can be seen across many of their products but when it comes to eye makeup removers this is perfect as it soaks the cotton pad just as you need, the lid also 'clicks' into place and becomes completely sealed meaning no spillages in case you are wishing to travel with it although planes don't allow this as it is over their 100ml rule, but buying separate 100ml clear containers and pouring some of this into it will work fine. 

Till' next time butterflies,

- A


Friday, 9 August 2013

Review: Herbal essences - bee strong strengthening cream

How's everyone's summer? I hope you're all having a lot of fun because August is flying by and sooner or later it'll be School/College/Work/University soon....
On a lighter topic...i'm back with a review! I personally always use a product from Herbal essences and when i found a new product by them at the exact time when i needed a new leave in treatment i jumped right on it!

I have a new background again! tell me what you guys think, would you rather have this or the floral folder?

I actually purchased this product thinking it would be a pump with a serum like liquid like a Tresemmé product i had used previously but i was pleasantly surprised to find its actually a thin spray and the nozzle works great as it spreads the product all over your hair. 

The colour is nice shade of gold which i believe is there to represent the honey and apricot found in this, Herbal essences managed to find a shade of gold that isn't too tacky which is what happens often when brands deal with yellows and golds. 

The smell is what won me over with this product its a very sweet yet rather mature fruity smell (not a strong fruit smell, slightly floral too), hints of the classic Herbal essences shampoo scent can be found in this which i'm used to.  Normally products that smell great compromise on the effect on the hair, i don't think this happens too much with this and it still works good. 

Apply this to damp hair and using a wide tooth comb, spread it from the mid lengths to the roots of your hair. 

Rather short review from me today, tell me which you prefer long or short posts?  Will you be trying this out? 

Till' next time honeys

- A

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How I Style: Joni Jeans

Hello guys! If you're looking for a text post then read my previous click here other wise here i am with another video! This time its super short BUT you can make it HD! (make sure to watch on the actual youtube site for High definition goodness)

I will be doing videos where i talk once i get my braces because as you can see at the end of this video My expanders have caused a huge gap in my front teeth which weren't previously there and i don't feel comfortable doing an entire video where you can see them..

Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more videos! I'd appreciate it so much!


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

"Coral Queen" - Obsession with Coral?

A different kind of post spice things up a little. I hope you like my new background for products its actually a school binder i've purchased for next year (will be seen in later post/video)

For the last 2 years or so it seems as though there's been a huge trend of having Coral in Makeup and of course on clothing. Having peachy coral lips, cheeks and eyes seems like a slight over board of orange to me but last summer that very look was seen everywhere and i find that quite hard to comprehend, those with darker complexions (around olive tones) look amazing with a dusting of coral/peach blusher sweeped on their cheek and those with lighter complexions really suit that coloured lip stick. 
But 2 years on and its getting a little dull, seeing brands constantly advertise this particular shade of orange...but having said this i my self have a few things in the colour. 

Although im getting a little sick of this craze (though not one of the most obvious ones) i do actually think the colour 'coral' is very pretty and if worn right can look incredible, i have a few products in this shade that i've purchased from a year or two ago to the present day ...

not the best quality i aplogise. 
From left to right: Barry M nail paint 'coral' , Nails inc 'portobello' , Revlon 'Tutti frutti' , Dr Balm miss sporty '03'

The Barry M and revlon were actually purchased 2 years ago when coral was starting to be come out in a lot of brands. 

The Polishes look pretty for those who have a tan and would like to make it stand out more however you must be warned the Nails inc one is more on the Neon side of things and i don't personally like it too much (received in a previous glossy box) but the other products are very nice shades (more on the orange side than pink) and can spice up any plain outfit. 

A different kind of post i know, started off as almost a rant...sorry. 

Till' next time, 

- A

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Review: Nivea In-Shower Moisturiser Skin conditioner (Dry Skin)

Oh readers have i found a gem! An amazing product...a product from the heavens it self (slight exaggeration)
I'm back with a review! It's not often that i review something that's not Makeup/Nail polish so i thought this would be a pleasant change. 

As you can see from the second picture you're supposed to apply this product after you cleanse your self, and then once you've applied this all over your body you rinse it off. 

When you first begin applying this it's odd because with just one or two rubs it immediately sinks into your skin and you can't tell you even applied it! I've already mentioned this in previous posts but i have very dry skin on my body and if there's a product claiming that it can make that go away..then i'll try it!

After rinsing you can deffinitely tell a difference in your skin! It becomes smooth, slippery and soft - just like a babies (i know it's cliché to say 'like a babies bottom' but honestly your skin will feel like that!).

Once you're out of the shower and all dried off i would say that the moisturiser does wear out a little, not much though. My skin normally feels very tight after a shower and i need to apply some sort of moisturiser/body butter/oil in order to be comfortable and not feel itchy and tight. However with this product i didn't feel tight or itchy which is a huge improvement, but because i know how my skin is and tends to act up a few hours later i still went ahead and applied oil, now it's morning and my skin still feels baby soft and smooth. Result. 

The packaging of the product is rather odd and it could have probably been improved to look better but that's not something that would put me off using this completely. 
On the other hand there is something that i love about it and that's the consistency, when you squeeze the product out it comes out very creamy and thick but once you start applying it onto your skin it spreads out into this thin very moisturising cream and a little goes a long way so i don't think it'll run out any time soon but when that does happen i will be repurchasing this!

This product is currently on offer in Superdrug for half price i believe so i may have to go back and stock up before it goes back to full price!

sorry for the rather short post compared to my last one!

till' next time beauties, 

- A
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