Hello guys,
So today i'm here with a rather different post for you all, this is a more chatty/wordy type of post but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
As part of the Next Blogger Network you get lot's of notices and such, things that are almost there to inspire a post from bloggers and there was this one that really caught my eye.
Blogging started out as a way for aspiring writers and general English enthusiasts to share their thoughts, life and stories through the written word on the internet for all of us to see, but has it gotten to a point where blogging is now considered nothing more than a menial hobby, and would we go as far as defining it as 'mainstream'?
Personally, I think we should embrace this new found love of blogging that has become so popular over the recent years and almost 'go along with it', because there's nothing worse than being the cynical person naming and shaming those who have chosen to hop on the bandwagon and make a blog because hey, you have to share your thoughts with someone right? Isn't the first sign of insanity talking to yourself? So surely we shouldn't be blamed and called out on for wanting to express our true thoughts on topics that we find interesting. I'm probably going a little over my head with this whole thing and getting a smidge carried away, but I don't like the way people seem to point the finger at others for joining in certain trends that are other wise harmless, anyway..moving back onto the item that inspired this entire post and that would be a T-shirt from Next (who knew a T-shirt held so much power!).

Honestly, I think this shirt just about sums up the lives of many people like my self who enjoy the comfort of their own house and warmth of the laptop on our knees, warming us up during the winter days and doing just about the least helpful thing in the summer.
To purchase this tee and declare your unconditional love for all that is blogging
click here, I'll probably soon end up purchasing this for my self because I can't think of a better top to wear on those comfy casual days where you simply want a T-shirt, jeans and a pair of converse.
What do you think of blogging getting classed as mainstream? Will you be getting your self one of these tees? Do you think I should ONLY blog if i'm wearing this tee (things could get a little interesting) ? Let me know in the comments bellow!
Side note: you may have noticed that I now offically own my domain 'www.alovesvintage.co.uk' this is because I was fed up with constantly saying the 'blogspot' part of the previous URL and thought it was about time I owned Alovesvintage and I couldn't be happier with my decision.
*Disclaimer* I have not been sponsored by Next to do this post, all opinions and thoughts are mine I simply thought the topic was interesting and the shirt is quirky enough to be discussed.