
Friday, 28 February 2014

Being a tourist in London - first impressions of oxford street, the atmosphere etc..etc..

Hello beauties!

Today I have something slightly different for you all, I'm going to share with you lovely readers my very short experience I had in London (even though i've been many times before) but more specifically my impressions on Oxford Street! 
But before all that good stuff, let's see the items I bought...(clothes aren't shown because I intend on doing a spring haul on my youtube)

Yes guys I went with the Blogger/Youtuber/Instagramer trend and purchased Muji storage drawers! Now this is the stackable pack of 2 which come at around £10.95 for one pair. The reason I went with this and not the 5 drawer one is because this one's drawers are much thicker and therefore you can fit things like the thicker foundation bottles easily. 

Oxford street was completely and utterly beautiful. 1.5 miles of pure retail and pure joy, basically most girls' dream place. You can walk from the top to the bottom and you'd spot at least 3 River Islands, 2 Zaras, 2 Topshops and way too many H&Ms, but hey, who's complaining? Sitting at the top of the classic red double decker bus, the hussle and bussle of the busy street seems daunting and frightening at first, especially with the pickpocket stories floating around. But you'll soon overcome all that and breathe in the fresh smell of retail. 
The biggest Topshop in the world is breathtaking, stepping into that slice of heaven you honestly don't know where to look, are you to look at the beautiful clothes surrounding you or just take a moment to fully appreciate where you are and the sheer size of the shop! For any one ever thinking about going to London, you have to go to Oxford street, it's too good to pass up.

Honestly I don't think there are enough adjectives to describe how amazing and surreal the experience was and just how much I (someone who runs away at the thought of a busy, crowded place) enjoyed it. 
Let me know if you guys have ever been to oxford street or if you ever plan on going?

Thank you so so so much for helping me reach 20k+ views it honestly means the world to me you guys should've seen the smile on my face when I saw that I had reach this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Till' next time,


  1. ooooh <3 this is so cuuute <333333
    I love a Micky Mouse and you make up organizer!!! I wanna to buy ones for mine :)
    xoxo from spains
    ohh! if you want to follow each other, let me know I always follow back so... think about this, please


    1. thank you! I'm so glad you liked this post! your blog is adorable, following! I dont normally do follow for a follow but I really do like your blog, so the exception is made! xx

  2. hello dear. TKANK YOU so MUCH!! I`m following you too :) because I wanna back here I love your blog, really! Everytking, colour, pics, and you are so cute! :)
    so I`m so happy about find you ! :)

    a lot of kisses ! :)))))))


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