
Monday, 29 July 2013

Favourite Summer Products

Something i've not done in a while... a favourites! I realise that i haven't done one of these posts in months and so to almost make do for that i thought i'd do a Summer one which is essentially june and july, now these two months i haven't been wearing much makeup because it is summer and i prefer to give my skin a break and my hair a break from heat tools too! But on the days that i do wear makeup i've gone to these products....Ive not included a mascara because its the same i've been using for months (maybelline rocket volum and maybelline mega plush)

In the comparison photo you can see that 'Wild watermelon' by Revlon has a slightly more orange/red tone than the Rimmel london 'Pink tulips', both of these lipsticks are great transitional colours from spring to summer as they're both fun, bright and girly!
Another thing i like about these two is their consistency, both apply incredibly smoothly and leave lips feeling very moisturised but that doesn't mean they're aren't as pigmented. The Revlon one is more sheer but is build able and lasts just as long as the other.

I won't say too much about this product as i have a full review on it (click here) but for those of you have combination skin that happens to be oily at times this is perfect as it leaves the skin completely matte and you'll find that you might not even need to set this with powder because it can actually make it look cakey and as very little effect in how long it remains on your face.

Because summer normally means sunshine and sunshine means sweating and that inevetibaly leads to break outs, this powder is the little gem that works along side my concealer to clear my skin and dry out the spots. The colour of course is something i love because its a mint green!
I believe that the only colour you can get is the 'transparent' but i may be wrong, i just think instead of messing around trying to find the right colour you may as well get the transparent and save your self the time.

Another product that i have a review on (click here) this is amazing for covering up blemishes although it has a creamy texture it does actually help dry the spots.

hope you've enjoyed this small post on my summer favourites,

till' next time

- A

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