
Monday 20 May 2013

Spring time + Exam stress

Even though there's 1 month and 1 day left until its technically summer (yes im counting)

It means that are lots of of exams coming up! For people in England- GCSEs and i know people in the US has their finals? i think...well wherever you are you probably have some exams coming up and the stress is just the worse means your skin breaks out, or gets incredibly dry, you're constantly tired and not in the mood - yay...

Just a few tips to avoid exam stress:

  • Eat a heavy/good breakfast - this is especially important if your exam is in the morning and don't underestimate the power of a good breakfast! it will literally get your brain in gear. SO DONT SKIP IT. mwah. 
  • As tempting as it don't stay up until late revising you actually won't remember anything that you read in the morning 
  • When studying take lots of breaks to give your brain and eyes a rest 
  • Try to space out when you revise/study over a period of time and not cram it all in one night 
  • Find methods that work for you and try to make it enjoyable (colours and pretty stationary work for me)
  • Understand that it's not the end of the world if you do mess up. Seriously it may seem like it is, but its not.
  • Don't compare your self to your friends, they're not you and they may not revise like you do. Although a little competition is good don't get too caught up in it, it could always backfire on you!
So onto the spring time thing, lets have a distraction from all the homework that we're all supposed to be doing (i know i do anyway!)

This was my original idea as to what to wear to my friend's birthday however the weather acted up and i had to go with the jeans instead but i wanted to include a picture in this post and please ignore the awkward pose i was trying to show that the top is cropped and the camera angle didn't really help me at all.

But yeah thats the outfit! The top is the same lace crop top from newlook, skirt is the denim skater skirt from topshop, necklace i actually can't remember im sorry!
But here is a close up of what it looks it, its almost like a pocket watch, but the screen flips open, i've had it for at least 3 years so im sorry but you can't get it in shops anymore.


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    1. thankyou! and i love your blog it looks really nice! i take it your polish? xx

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